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Water IQ International strengthens market position using IIoT
Machine service and maintenance have been a standard in the machine manufacturing industry for years. If you manufacture a substantial amount of machines that are shipped all over the world, you’ll need a remote access solution to keep track of them and to provide high-quality service. It is not unique, however, which is why Water IQ went looking for a partner with whom they could dive into the world of cloud and automation.Water IQ had far-reaching ambitions early on, aiming to stay ahead of the competition. “We strive to provide solutions that can increase a customer’s company value using water, for example by improving the product quality or production efficiency,” Freddy explains.To realize these ambitions, they needed a platform where they could access machine data. “That simply requires a data logging and analysis system.”
TSS4U using IIoT to collect machine data and created alarms of important events
TSS initially started looking for a remote access solution. TSS wanted to gain more insight into their systems, which are often situated at remote and hard to reach locations. “We want to learn how exactly our systems behave, to find out if and how we can improve them in the future,” Sébastien explains. The gathering of machine data plays an enormous role in TSS’s drive to continuously improve and optimise their products.TSS came across IXON during the Industrial Ethernet Event. The focus quickly shifted from remote access to data logging. Sébastien explains: “With Cloud Logging we can gather data. We don’t share all data with the customer as some information is only important for us.” TSS gathers machine data which allows them to monitor and analyse their systems. However, it did not help TSS quickly respond to failures and ad-hoc problems.