Red Balloon Security

Red Balloon Security
United States
< $10m
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Red Balloon Security is exclusively focused on the development of robust security solutions for embedded device systems across all major industries, including consumer electronics, automobiles, manufacturing/industrial systems, building Controllers, homeland security, military, etc. Founded by Ang Cui, Red Balloon Security's core technology is Symbiote Defense, a universally-compatible, OS-agnostic, real-time host-based intrusion defense system which is capable of protecting any embedded device from Malware and malicious commands. Symbiote is a patented technology that already protects millions of devices around the world, and has logged more than 15 billion hours of runtime without a single recorded failure. It is currently under contract for use by the US government, as well as critical infrastructure and consumer devices, like HP LaserJet printers.
The First Universal Embedded Defense for all embedded devices
Symbiote is a platform-independent, OS-agnostic, real-time, host-based intrusion defense that works by layering specific defense modules and diverting unused CPU cycles for defense. Symbiote is designed to protect any and all embedded devices, from printers to PLCs. It can be applied to any device regardless of OS, CPU type, or hardware.

Borrowing from strategies seen in nature, like defense through diversification and defensive mutualism, Symbiote Defense keeps embedded systems safe against a wide variety of attacks. It defends devices without requiring any code change from the vendor, any additional or upgraded hardware, and all without impacting the functionality of the device. Red Balloon Symbiote Defense is interlaced into the binary code and data of the host it protects. It is injected into the Firmware in a randomized fashion. Once injected, it operates alongside the host program during runtime and continuously ensures that the code and data of the host device is untampered and never modified without permission. Symbiote Defense starts protecting the host the instant the host turns on, and will detect any unauthorized attempts to modify the firmware’s code or data within a fraction of a second, regardless of whether the device is in sleep mode, or busy servicing requests.
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