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SPARKL designs and develops the SPARKL technology in London, UK. We work with partners including Cisco and Intel to market the product to innovators and customers worldwide.
All enterprises suffer from the black box swamp. Systems that work fine on their own, but won't play nicely with others. It's hard to describe how a system should work - let alone how or why different systems interact.

SPARKL is powerful technology for managing the behaviour of distributed systems. The simple, declarative Clear Box modelling language lets you express the behaviour of all your systems - from applications right down to network infrastructure.

Then, the lightning fast distributed SPARKL Sequencing Engine uses Clear Box to make them work together - driving events between your machines, applications and things.

SPARKL provides distributed intelligence for true Fog Computing, allowing edge devices to interact with and without the cloud; introduces reasoned provisioning which spins up secure, on-demand infrastructure to meet the needs of actual business logic and leverages standard distributed ledger technology to log every event between your systems in a blockchain-secured audit trail to solve compliance reporting across machines and systems, old and new.

It's time to bring order to the chaos of the black box swamp.
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